Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Updating a blog once a month really doesn't sound that challenging, until it's been 3, and you realize you really do suck at it. Aaah well, I tried. Life around here has been busy, as usual. Thanksgiving and Christmas flew by in a blur ... we spent both holidays with my side of the family at my Grandma and Grandpa's new place in Wheaton, and spent New Years weekend in Devils Lake with T's side. We had a lot of fun, but were happy to be back at home when all was said and done. :)

We had Moose-man's first birthday a little early this year, in anticipation of our new niece or nephew making their debut right around his real birthday. Of course, because we did that, our new niece or nephew has not yet been born, a week after his or her due date. :) A was induced today, though, so we're hoping to hear the good news soon! Can't wait to meet the new little one.

Moose-man decided that he didn't want to walk until after his first birthday, and took his first steps on the 28th. He's still toddling around - just taking a step or two for now, but we're sure he'll be running any minute. :) We have his 1 year check up next week, so I'm not sure exactly how much he weighs or how tall he is today, but he's still wearing mostly 24 month clothes, with a few 2T scattered in here and there. He's also starting to say a few more words - T and I are both still "Dada," but we also hear a lot of "baba" (bottle), "bye-bye," "uh-oh," (usually after he throws something on the ground on purpose), and monkey and duck sounds. Goofy kid.

Big brother is still doing great - he's very into the LeapFrog cartoons right now, which makes Mama very happy. He still doesn't pay a TON of attention to the TV when it's on, but it's nice knowing he's hearing the counting and the alphabet while he plays. :) He's still BFF's with B at daycare and R from next door, and has playdates many times a week. (Have I mentioned we have the best neighbors ever?)

In other news, this summer, we decided to sign up for a foster care program through our local PATH office called "Family Support." We were matched with a family immediately, and have a 4 year old girl with some special needs spend 6 nights a month with us. We've enjoyed being a part of this program and I have to admit, having some fingernails around to paint once in a while has been fun for me. :) There have been some frustrating moments, but we feel like we're really starting to see some progress, and hope that her family does as well.

And now, for the photos you've all been waiting for ...

Our family Christmas card pic:

The Moose's bday card invite:

And my futile attempts at getting a pic of both boys :)