Wednesday, June 8, 2011

4 Months & the Ice Cream Truck

The "little" guy turned 4 months old not quite two weeks ago. I took him for his checkup and as I suspected, he grew 3 inches (now 26 inches tall) and gained a few more pounds for a whopping 19.5 lbs. I suppose this means my "sack of potato" references weren't all that far off. ;) 

The Moose is doing well - he's a little fussier than Goo was, so his Doc recommended a formula switch - today was Day 1 on the new one and we got a good report from daycare, so keep your fingers crossed for him that this resolves his issues. 

When his tummy isn't bothering him, he's otherwise a really sweet baby. Very lovey - loves to be hugged and cuddled. Lights up when that big brother comes around, and puts everything he can get his paws on in his mouth. 

Speaking of Big Bro - Goo is doing great as well. We stayed home Memorial Day weekend and dedicated ourselves to potty training. Totally paid off! Just a few accidents last week, and the last 4 days we've had none. If I would have known he'd do so well, I'd have celebrated a bit more the last time I bought him diapers. ;) 

Our conversation this morning: 

Goo: See ya later al-gator! 
Me: After while, crocodile! 
Goo: I NOT crocodile, I BATMAN! 

Silly boy. 

Silly boy had his first visit to the ice cream truck tonight. We had to chase it down the street, but totally worth it. Run, Mama! RUN!! Guess I wasn't fast enough for him ... :) 

PS: Have you noticed how much I love my new Instagram app for my iPhone? :) Makes me do silly things like sit around at night and take goofy pictures of myself, just to play with the filters. 


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lest I Forget ...

Goo-ism's today:

Goo: "It's a bug!"
Me: "Yep, that's an ant."
Goo: "No, it's a bug."
Me: "Yes - an ant is a kind of bug, you know, like a beagle is a kind of dog."
Goo: "Oh, a beagle bug."
Me: "Yeah, buddy, that's exactly what I was getting at."

Goo - while I'm on the phone with my Mom - at the TOP of his lungs "I HAVE TO POOP AND PEE!!!!!"

Potty training is going great, by the way. :)

And finally, later this evening, out on the deck:

Goo: "You're a butt-face"
Me: "What did you just call me?!"
Goo (totally serious): "A butt face."

Awesome. :)