Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Post You've All Been Waiting For ...

Wow. Can’t even begin to provide an excuse for what an awful blogger I am. So I won’t. :)
Moving on ….

We’re very excited to report that Goo and The Moose are expecting a brand new baby cousin in January! Uncle R and his girlfriend are expecting a new bundle of joy in January, right around The Moose’s 1st birthday. We’re excited for them, and are excited for the kids to have another cousin to grow up with. My mother in law is hoping that baby fever will kick in when I meet this new one and that the Moose will be a middle child. Silly mother in law.

As for Goo and the Moose – Here’s a little snippet of what they’ve been up to lately:

Goo-man is celebrating turning 3 by pushing every limit that has ever been imposed on him. He has recently decided that he will not hear Daddy-O or I unless we’ve repeated ourselves at LEAST 6 times, and no longer believes the threat of time out until Mama is physically heading in his direction. It’s been a challenging few weeks! It comforts me to know, though, that three of my close friends with boys very close in age to Goo are having the same struggles. Must be the age? Or the social group, maybe? Ha! Stinkers.

Goo has also turned into quite the little conversationalist. His favorite phrases are currently “That doesn’t make sense” and “What does X mean?” Try explaining to a 3 year old what “broke” means. Ha!

The Moose is already 8 months old and is doing really well. His acid reflux is 99% under control, which is marvelous. Unfortunately, now we’re teething, and, like his mama, the Moose doesn’t handle pain well. We’ve got the bottom two teeth broken through, and hopefully will see the rest soon. The Moose is also *almost* crawling. He sits now and scoots to get what he wants from a sitting position, but is spending a lot of time up on his hands and knees trying to figure out how to really go. His belly is so chubby, it’s a lot to support! :)

He’s got cheeks just like Goo did at this age, but is starting to look a little more like Mama in the eyes and nose. Exhibit A:

Ha! Poor Moose.

Both boys were recently at the pediatrician for checkups and are in the 94th percentile for height and the 99th percentile for height. We don't make 'em small around here, do we!?