Monday, June 28, 2010

The Big 0-2!

I cannot believe that Goo will be 2 in 10 days. Where did the time go? He is SO MUCH FUN right now – this is such a goofy age. Here are some of Goo’s latest “stats:”

  • Goo repeats constantly. He’s got a great start on his vocabulary, but we’ve got a ways to go. In the meantime, he tries to tell us what he wants, and if we don’t get it, he’ll physically pull on our shirt/arm/legs to show us what he wants. He certainly knows how to get his point across!
  • He’s still in 2T/3T clothes, and has been now for almost a year. I didn’t think he’d ever slow down, but as he’s stretched out and become more and more (and more!) active, he’s stayed pretty steady, waist-wise. :)
  • Goo’s fascinated with Batman, Yo Gabba Gabba!, trains, and horses. He loves this video, and could watch it for hours. The cute thing about Batman is he’s picked it up solely from the “big boys” at daycare, he’s never seen a cartoon or movie. He has 4 Batman shirts and wants to wear them every day. We do let him watch Gabba and “toons” periodically, particularly at night, when we’re trying to get him to wind down (always easier said than done)!
  • He loves horsy rides, any and all forms of chasing or being chased, and wrestling daddy and Henry whenever possible. He’s a busy, busy boy and we honestly can’t take our eyes off of him for 10 seconds. If we do, we find sippy cups in the garbage, lipstick in the toilet, and toys in the fridge.
  • Goo loves to talk on the phone. His Grandmas (or “Ammas,” as he says) are very good at entertaining Goo via phone, and have both figured out how to get a “Laaa You, Amma” out of him, on command. He also likes to talk to Cammi, which is super cute.
  • He has gone on the potty a couple of times, but doesn’t show any real interest in learning at this point. We’re not pushing it, we just bring it up periodically, and humor him if he wants to try. Slowly but surely, we’ll ease him into it …
  • Goo’s gotten 2 haircuts, the first of which was in Devils Lake in February, and just recently, by Grandma D.
We went tonight to take Goo’s 2 year pics, and are hoping to have lots of cute photos to post, soon. I will admit that the picture taking has seriously slowed since Poppy has come into the picture and has kept Mama on the couch for much of the time. I’m hoping that the morning sickness will let up a bit and I can get back to my normal mamma-ratzi self soon. :)
Last week, my work sent me to Phoenix, AZ for a 3 day leadership conference. The conference itself was an amazing experience, and as usual – they put me up in fantastic digs:

I’d never been to Phoenix before, and quickly learned that Phoenix in June is similar to Fargo in February – you’re outside as little as humanly possible.
I look forward to visiting again on a family vacation, in the dead of winter.

I guess I'm going to have to change the title of this blog .....

…. because Goo #2 will be joining us in January! :)

Our surprise little blessing, who we call “Poppy,” has currently been baking for about 11 weeks.

Some questions we’ve been asked lately:

Are you sick again?

Lucky me, yes, yes I am. We’ve been to the ER twice and have been medicated since week 6. This:
- makes me feel slightly better, and we’re *hoping* that because this started a little earlier than last time, that it might let up a bit, but so far, no luck. :(

Will you find out what you’re having?

You bet! We actually had an u/s at 10 weeks to make sure it wasn’t twins (Big PHEW! there), and if they could have seen then, we would already know! Alas, it looks like we’ll have to wait for our 20 week screening, sometime in early September.

Any guesses?

At first, it really felt like another boy, but now, I’m not so sure. T says that he “only makes boys,” but he says a lot of things. We’ll see! Either way, we’re hoping for a happy, healthy baby. We ask Goo if it’s a boy or a girl and he says “yes.” Smart kid!

When are you due?

Ironically, on January 19th. This was also my mom’s due date when she was pregnant with me, although I arrived on the 14th. (I’ve always been an over-achiever like that!) Goo will be almost exactly 2.5 years old.

Will Goo and the baby go to the same daycare?

Yes! Thank God. Seriously – Thank God! Our daycare provider was the second person I told, because we love her SO much and really, really don’t want to lose them. Thankfully, by the time Poppy comes, she’ll have room for our little one. Another super big sigh of relief, there! :) 

Does Goo understand?

The short answer is, not really. He LOVES babies, and I have no doubt he’ll be an excellent big brother. I try to explain it by pointing at my belly, and saying “Baby,” but he just points at his and says “Batman,” so ….. :) Gotta love that Goo! Hopefully when my belly is more of a “baby belly,” he’ll start to understand a bit more.

So …. Wish us luck in our new adventure! We’re so excited and (barring the 24/7 nausea) life is good!