Saturday, December 5, 2009

What Does a Turkey Say? Cluck? Quack?

Seriously - I have no idea what a turkey says. Good thing all Goo cares about is what monkey's say. (Ooooh ooooh, aaaaaah aaaaah - in case you were wondering).

Thanksgiving was quite the adventure this year ... we decided to have it at our place since we finally have room in the new house and ended up with 21 people for the big meal! Luckily, my new job has taught me how to delegate - so I wasn't responsible for TOO much actual cooking. haha

Unfortunately, my camera decided to crap out on me the week before Thanksgiving, so I had to swipe some pictures from Ashley's FB page. Thanks, Ashley!

Here's Goo with Grandma Tine ... he was a bit cranky that day - we found out later that he was starting to work on an ear infection, poor guy!

Here's Kari's kiddos being adorable ....

And 2 of Kari's, mine, and my super cute foster sister Cammi checking out something outside ...

Say it with me now - *Awwwwwwwwww*

Thanksgiving was followed with some 3:45am Black Friday insanity ... Kari, Ashley, Mom, Martine and I all piled into one vehicle and hit Kohls, WalMart, Target and the Mall all before 10am. My fabulous go-to babysitter Krysta came and stayed with the kiddos - what a good sport! :) Here's a shot of the line to Kohls - which wrapped around Media Play - at 4am. Craziness!

All in all - a very fun (if tiring) time was had by all. The ear infection is history, and the probably not cooincidental case of strep I developed the next week is on it's way out. Next stop - Christmas! ho ho ho