Monday, November 15, 2010

Still Kickin’ … and Still Being Kicked!

Believe it or not, we are now 30+ weeks into this pregnancy. I *still* have moments every once in a while where I look at my belly, shake my head, and can’t believe it! I suppose I better get over that … soon!

As for physical baby preparations (apparently we’re not quite there yet, mentally! Ha!) we’re *just about* ready. We’ve dug out all of Goo’s little bitty clothes and bought a few new ones (of course) and have all of his gear out and ready to go. We still need to disassemble and wash the car seats (and the cars, for that matter) – but we’ve got plenty of time for that. I also don’t have a hospital bag packed or those bottles sterilized, but I’m sure I will, shortly. (Mostly because the bottles are sitting in a big tub on my kitchen counter, and the tub is driving me a little nutso).

The crib has been assembled:

See, T, that super expensive crib bedding was worth it, right? *ahem*

Our new, beautiful cradle from Great Grandpa Riley is ready to go …

And we even have a few packs of itty bitty diapers ready, because I’m imagining in January, we’re not going to want to run out every 5 minutes, like we did with Mr. July.

Speaking of Mr. July – he’s as brilliant and adorable as ever. His new thing is singing “Happy Birthday to You” to everyone he talks to, regardless of whether it’s actually their birthday or not. He’s also loving “Ring around the Rosie,” although he tends to get impatient and “all fall down” way before he’s actually supposed to. Goof!

He’s talking up a storm these days … he’ll say “I’ll be right back!” when he leaves a room, “Oh no! What happened?” whenever he hears a loud noise or sees a crash or disturbance of some sort, and says “Hey Mama, what’s that sound?” at least once a day.

Halloween this year was … interesting. We bought Goo a hilarious DJ Lance costume from Yo Gabba Gabba, but he insisted on being Batman. Aaah well, maybe Goo #2 will like DJ Lance, too … or we’ll just have another costume laying around for dress up. J I thought we’d have another year or two of having a say in the costume selection – little did we know …

Trick or Treating at mom’s work was super fun, Batman ran up and down the hallways of the building, even running across a room to give a woman who looks like Grandma ‘Tine a big hug. (Thankfully, said woman wasn’t freaked out by this at all and now claims that Goo is her “honorary grandson.”) Actual trick or treating, on the other hand, was a total disaster. We started at Goo’s daycare, and things were going really well until we suddenly had a major meltdown. We’re not sure if he caught a glimpse of something “scary” outside, or what exactly happened, but suddenly Goo really, really wanted to go home. We’d then planned on walking around our neighborhood with our neighbor kids and pulling the boys in the wagon. At the VERY FIRST HOUSE, a boy of about 10 opened the door in a skeleton costume and a scary mask. Queue meltdown #2. We made it to two more houses, neither with any “real” success before we completely gave up and went home.

We did have fun, though, seeing all the neighbor kids out and about. Last year, which was our first year in our new house, we’d gone to DL on Halloween weekend, so we weren’t home. And at our old place, we hardly EVER had trick or treaters. This year, we went through all of our candy, as well as all of the neighbors candy, and had to turn out lights and hide for a while! Next year, we’ll be better prepared!