Monday, January 17, 2011

Ticking Time Bomb

I feel like a ticking time bomb. Goo #2 is due in 2 days (yes, 2 days!) which therefore puts me in that “any minute now (or not)” category that I so sincerely dislike. Don’t get me wrong – I couldn’t be more excited to meet this little guy and hold him in my arms, but the anticipation is driving me a little bit (ok, a lotta bit) bananas. It makes my face do weird things like this:


With Goo, I actually talked a lot about wishing an elective C-Section was an option, just so I knew when he’d be coming and could plan accordingly. Of course, this option wasn’t offered to me, and in retrospect, I’m very glad it wasn’t. It’s the number 1 lesson to learn when becoming a parent – You’re not in control, Mama. Can’t blame a girl for trying.

People keep asking me if Goo is excited to meet his baby brother, and I have to say – I still don’t think he really gets it. What he does know is that he does NOT like being told not to climb on/draw on/disassemble the baby gear sitting around the house, so I think sharing is going to be a bit of an adjustment. We’ll figure it out, though – he’s a great kid, and I have no doubt that he’ll (eventually!) be a great big brother. He’s even got a new shirt to prove it:

As for me, I’m actually feeling really good. I’m tired and achy most of the time, just because of my general huge-ness and the fact that I can’t get a decent night’s sleep (parenting lesson #2 – functioning on no sleep!) – but overall for being this far along, I’m doing awesome. This does not bode well for the idea of getting any assistance evicting this baby – we have absolutely no medical reason to not allow me to continue to be pregnant for 2  more weeks. So … the bomb keeps ticking, I suppose!

All sarcasm aside – Here’s hoping that my next post will be a beautiful birth story that contains lots of pictures of a healthy, beautiful babe. If you have a prayer to spare, my growing family and I would sure appreciate it!