Sunday, April 25, 2010

Vegas, Baby!

**I keep writing blog posts, and forgetting to publish them. So - lucky you - you get three in one day! Yay! :)**

Earlier this month, Goo's Dad and I took a mini-trip to Vegas while Goo hung out with Cousin C at Grandmas. In all, there were 7 of us that made the trip, this being the only time we all actually stopped to take a photo. :)


The weather was beautiful, (80 degrees with a chance of FUN, according to Goo's uncle R!) and even though I was battling a sinus infection shortly before we left, I thankfully felt well enough to go. The first day, the girls and I hit up an Oxygen bar, which I'm still not convinced wasn't a total gimic, but we had fun. Here's A & I with our nose plug things ...


We saw a couple of shows while we were there (Dragon! Dragon!) and spent some time at the pool, but in reality, the majority of our 3 days was spent wandering around in the sun and seeing the "sights" - many of which will not be suitable for Mr. Magoo for another 19+ years. :) Here's T and Uncle R goofing around by the fountains at the Bellagio:


Get your life together, boys. ;)

I was thankful that my good friend S got to come - a big thanks to her hubby for hanging out with their 3 yahoo's while we enjoyed the sun!


We had a super fun time but were in a hurry to get back home to Goo, although from the sounds of it, he had so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa that he hardly noticed we were gone. :)


Sometime a few weeks ago, Goo caught me painting my toes. I guess it looked REALLY fun, because Goo plopped down on my lap and stuck his foot out - "Mine?" So - I painted one foot, and kind of forgot about it.

On Monday, I came home from work to T changing Goo's diaper. "Look at his toes!" he says. Thinking that he somehow hurt his foot, (worst-case-sceanario brain), I quickly remove his socks, to find these:


I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. :)

Apparently, Goo's buddy J was getting her toes painted at Daycare that day, and once again, Goo wanted to take part. Our fabulous daycare lady hesitated, not sure how we would react, but he was SO insistent, that they gave in and decided to do it. When they saw that one foot was already done, they figured that was a good indicator that we wouldn't be too worried about it. Ha!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


We've decided that fresh air is to Goo what crack/cocaine is to a drug addict. One day last week, I got home from work shortly after T had picked up Goo and found a cranky, crabby kiddo. I asked T what was wrong and he didn't know. I asked Goo what was wrong and he immediately walked me to the patio door, pointing the whole way, and said "SIDE!"


Apparently, he wanted to go outside.


Did I mention that this was the same day Goo came home from daycare in Batman PJs? It was super-hero day! I'm pretty sure my daycare wasn't nearly that fun - lucky Goo!


The coolest part of super-hero day was that Goo learned to sing the Batman theme song, which I was finally (sort of!) able to catch on video:

So since Goo now insists on spending EVERY FREE MINUTE outside, I'd like to publicly thank the Easter Bunny for being so generous this year.


Goo and his Auntie C made out like bandits!!

And speaking of Auntie C, did I mention that she is officially becoming "Auntie C?" I've always wanted a little sister ... better late than never, I guess! :)


Goo isn't really old enough to understand the significance of what's going on, but I'm pretty sure if he did, he'd be as thrilled as his Mama.
